By Hannah C, whose mother has a diagnosis of LBD After my mother’s first diagnosis, I realised I knew nothing. There was no escape from the fact that I was now responsible for my Mum, and I had to learn how I could help. I bought books. I joined websites. I scrolled through forums, but found them overwhelming, and lacking information specific to mum and our situation.
I’ve found that becoming that expert in Mum, what she needs, has been my approach. Learning a new way to communicate has been key, based on emotion and need, not fact and logic. It’s hard, and is another sort of loss, but ultimately rewarding. By Rich James, who started LBSN UK. Rich's mother was diagnosed with LBD in late 2020.
By Esther Boyd, who began the Lewy Buddy UK peer support group, now part of LBSNUK. Esther cared for her husband who was diagnosed with LBD in 2011, until his death in 2019.
By Esther Boyd, who began the Lewy Buddy UK peer support group, now part of LBSN UK. Esther cared for her husband who was diagnosed with LBD in 2011, until his death in 2019.